Saturday, February 23, 2008

There was a time...

**There was a time when a song could move an entire room of people and for a moment, our experiences amounted to something greater than the human condition. And even after the last lyric was sung, the music still hung in the air.

It's been a long time since I've considered lunar cycles or forsythias, but tonight, tonight after a tiresome season of unrequited hope, I saw the moon hanging orange and majestic in the color of the harvest... and I sighed. That feeling has been a long time coming. So I drove to an old place out on 360 where the hills part briefly and the city-lights shine through, and for the first time in years, I felt that familiar longing in my soul of absolute delight in creation and the driving force to write. I parked my car and even though I didn't want to, turned off Kendall Payne's "Moonsong" and sat still for a quiet moment.

"Be still and know that I am GOD."

The moon was white and shining by this time and the evasive city lights that always elude my grasp continued to glimmer across O.Henry's city, yet the Prince of Peace was nearby. There were no words to say or song to sing, just my bruised heart offered up to a King. Carve my name on Your heart, oh Lord, for Your name is carved onto mine and I am engraved on the palm of Your hand.

"Forgive me if too close I lean, my human heart on Thee."

And for a moment, sitting in the dark on a well-trodden street, on a Saturday night in the city I love, I remembered who I once was and was recalled to who I'm supposed to become. So even while this season of my life may mean soul-sickness, I know where my hope resides, and in Him there I will also be.

"Failing to fetch me, at first keep encouraged. Wishing me one place, search another. I stop, somewhere, waiting for you."


Alex M said...

hey friend. I just wanted to tell you how much this post touched and encouraged me! Thank you a million thank yous. I must say, as well, how exciting I am to find that you have a blog. I have always heard you talk about how much you love to write...and now I get to read it! yay!

CharCof said...

my sweet friend, may your heart rest in knowing that you are loved - by so many here and most importantly by the One who hears the cry of your heart. may these days prepare you for a time and place and adventure we do not know and my your eyes be open to His grace anew while in a foreign place. i can only hope that one day, we can sit in your favorite place and watch the sunset and have the best conversation we've ever had without saying a word...

Mandy said...

you should write. I'm blown away - more by God than you (no offense) but it was your should write. that's all i gots to say!